Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Weekend of a Lifetime :)

Ah, so this past weekend we had a trial in Sussex with FAST.
It was a big weekend. A very exciting weekend.

Some may have known, but I only needed one more standard Q for my Lifetime award. (You need 125 games and 100 standard Q's). I had enough games at the beginning of last year, but have been working hard on getting all of my standards. Which is sometimes is hard, seeing how Tof has other plans on getting her DW contacts...hehe

But anyhow, there was four standards being offered, so I knew I could get at least 1/4!!haha I was waiting for this trial because Lynda Yielding was judging, and it just so happened that she was Toffee's first trial judge where we earned our 1st Q (and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th hehe). I thought it would be so cool to get it under her. Four years later. So cool!

Saturday decided to rain an ocean on us, all day. We were a little wet....

Tie Dye Long Johns anyone?

We had some visitors....

Standard was first, and Tof's "biggest fan" drove an hour to come watch us. How sweet :) Thankfully it was a nice course and I could feel that we were going to get it on this one.

There was only two little bobbles, her only getting the DW contact by maybe a toenail (eek!) and almost going over the wrong jump..thank goodness she had a little shake to get the water off so I could get her back! Phew!

It was so cool, running out. My mom had organized (friday afternoon, mind you) to get a bar for everyone to sign. I have ALWAYS wanted a bar! We're not as cool as the AKC people, apparently. And on top of that, I got to do a victory lap! I have ALWAYS wanted to do a victory lap!!!!!!!!!! SO COOL! Watch it here :)

When they awarded all the stuff, I got a hoodie with Erin and Toffee 2011 on the sleeve and Lifetime Award of Excellence on the back. It's so nice!! Also, they got a bottle of champagne (which I could not open). I tried and tried and tried and it just wasn't coming off...hahah

They also had a cake for me, which was really nice. My personalized ribbon is coming soon. I'm so excited :)

Toffee is just so good, that for the rest of the weekend, we went clean 6/7. (a missed DW contact...go figure.) She's just the best. Watch the runs here and here.

My mom has always wanted to run Newman and Bailey together in a team run, but when they were younger they wouldn't run for me, and would just want to play...some things never change. But this was probably the last chance they would get. It was fun :)

To make the weekend even more special, a team from NS was also going for their Lifetime. He needed 3 standard. He went clean for both on saturday, so he only needed to get one of the two on sunday. Rocky knocked a bar in the first run, so we were all rooting for him (even more so!) in the second run. But no worries, he got it! What a good old boxer! The first in Canada!! The FAST crew had all the same things (sweater, cake and champagne) for him as well. But he had no problem getting the cork off....

Two in one weekend!!

All 6 maritime Lifetimers were there at the trial!!

And then to top all of that off, Mach was entered in the starters jumpers. I was feeling good about the course (it was a loop..) and feeling good about him working with me. Last weekend was exactly what I needed for our confidence. Last weekend I was only hoping for him to stay on course with me, but this run I was in the zone. And with BIG success. First Q!!! I am so proud of my baby boy!!

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