Is this what love feels like? Okay, I've only just finished the first book, but I can say for certain that it is a situation easily comparable to a crack addict and her crack. My crack is Hunger Games, at the moment. Answer me this: WHY HAVE I WAITED SO LONG TO READ IT!?!!!!???!
Oh Catnip. Oh Peeta. Oh Gale.
I will admit, I cried, throughout the book. Yeah....I'm like that.
I borrowed the book from a friend, so I have to wait, like two days to get my hands on the second book. You know, I have to take it back to school, she has to go home, and bring it the next day. I might go insame. Ahh.
But for now, I will just show a picture of the novel, because it's so beautiful.
I will try to survive these next days, bookless. Can I read it again before I give it back to her? Ehh. Wahn.
Okay. enough.
Today I found out my result from my french interview! ADVANCED. Say whaa? Yeah, that's the highest you can get. Dude, you don't realize how surprised I am. I suck at speaking french. haha! Yay me!Officiellement bilangue. C'est un peu bizarre d'y penser. Mais je suis terminer avec le francais apres ce semaine. TELLEMENT EXCITE!
Avoir une belle repose :) xox