Thursday, August 4, 2011

Veggin' like we can

We've arrived. Finally!! Today's drive was shorter than yesterday's but it felt much longer. Blech. I don't like sitting for that many hours.
I had to be navigator extrodinaire..I sorta failed at that, but we got here anyways.

I have pictures!

Uglyness haha...but I'm driving. Always a bonus.

the van is overtaken by dogs

I drove all the way to Quebec!!

Gasin' up!

Yes we did! (okay, mostly mom...)

Those are from yesterday. Our friends have a big field behind their house. Perfect for the dogs.
Good for them to get out and run after travelling all day!

I ended up going to a basketball game last night.
It was nice! As soon as I stepped into the gym, it was like all those memories came rushing back.
The smell is weirdly enough..good. I realize it's just sweat that I'm smelling. I mean, it's a gross smell, but refreshing in an odd way. I know, I know, I'm weird. I get it.
And the sound of all the sneakers squeaking on the floor made me smile.
Also when people started yelling at each other and when technical fouls were called and when they had to squeak off the sweat from the floor when the dudes fell.
Even though it was basically a sauna in there, it was awesome.
Yep, I do miss basketball (only somedays)

We registered and got Toffee measured (mom lost her card...) and got our tent ready and then took the dogs around the's beautiful there..and said hey to our friendly maritimer friends who were camping.

We're veggin at the hotel now and all ready for tomorrow!
We run steeplechase in the afternoon!

Ah, yes. We are here :)

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